Sustainable Food Systems

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Widespread recognition of the implications of the combination of growing populations, shrinking arable land around world cities, climate change and the impacts of the 20th century agribusiness industry has raised the profile and created a sense of urgency around creating sustainable 21st century food systems.  Achieving a sustainable food system will involve utilizing many of today’s food technologies and inventing more, while working within the constraints of the planet’s soil, energy and water reserves.

EDRS launched several recent initiatives on sustainable food systems including supporting the development of plans and a business case for a Food Hub in the City of Vancouver, as well as developing Urban Farming Guidelines for communities to assist them in managing the complexities of intra-urban farming.  Work continues in food systems in EDRS as few charitable organizations are supporting communities with resources in this area.

The following offer some resources to explore regarding principles and methods of creating sustainable food systems in our cities and communities.

Urban Agriculture

Agricultural Urbanism

Edible Landscaping 

Community Gardens


Farmers’ Markets

Food Hubs

Community Kitchens

Food Security

Sustainable Restaurants